The Door McAllen Church Logo


Come and dive into our ocean and explore the little fishes! We provide a safe and friendly environment for the children and give them an opportunity to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior in each service.

Magda Flores

Little Fishers Leader

AGES: 4-5 Yrs.

We teach the children by presenting the Bible truth in fun and practical ways that kids can understand on their level. Matthew 4:19- “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” Little Fishers meet every service, including revivals. Our mission is to lead the little ones in our care to Jesus, to make an impact in their lives so they can go forth and tell others about Jesus. If you have any questions or need more information don’t hesitate to ask. We welcome you and your family to our church and our classroom!

In each service:

We sing praise and worship songs

Pick up petitions

Tell visual Bible stories

Make arts and crafts

Learn mini Bible verses